Tea & Talk

Mariah DeSpain
2 min readOct 28, 2020

Censorship is something most Americans are aware of, but different countries have different views on it. Censorship was the topic for the most recent Tea and Talk on Oct. 23.

Tea and Talk is offered once a month at Missouri Western to help put different cultures in conversation and tackle stereotypes. This semester, it has been offered over Zoom due to COVID-19. The event is sponsored by the MWSU Global Center and Fumi Matsumoto Cheever, director of International Student Services, leads the discussions.

“We will select ‘Global Hot Topic’ and the topic changes every time,” Cheever said.

The most recent topic was chosen by Ifeanyi Achobandu, who wanted to cover censorship. Several people joined the Zoom, where Achobandu was able to share his computer screen to lead participants through the discussion.

“I think it is important because censorship and restrictions of art and entertainment are seen in different forms in different societies,” Achobandu said. “The societal acceptance of some of these restrictions also differ across different cultures depending on what is being restricted and why. As such, I believe it is an interesting topic to discuss among our different cultures.”

During the event, Achobandu asked multiple questions such as “What forms of entertainment restrictions, if any, do you think are necessary and why?” Everyone attending the event was able to respond. Some brought up their own experience, from when they have lived in different places or even what it is like in the United States. Participants discussed different stories they had heard from news outlets or what friends and family have told them about.

This event is a great way for students to learn more about different cultures, as well as express what knowledge they have about their culture. It’s a safe place to learn and have difficult conversations, especially ones that involve harmful stereotypes.

Tea and Talk happens once a month with different topics. It is easy to join in the conversation on Zoom, and the link can be found on any of the Global Center social media.

“Everyone welcomes Tea & Talk including students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members. Since we offer this via zoom, we had alumni joined from overseas,” Cheever said.

Follow the Global Center on social media to tune in on the next Tea and Talk.

