Artist Profile: Noah Bollow

Mariah DeSpain
3 min readSep 17, 2020

From driving to the store, walking to class, or sitting in your dorm, music is probably something you listen to often, but for Missouri Western student Noah Bollow, it’s more than just listening.

Bollow is a Cinema major here on campus, but his interests expand farther than just movies. He spends his free time writing and producing rap music.

Bollow began creating music his senior year of high school, but really dug deep into his craft during his freshman year at Missouri Western.

Bollow’s biggest inspiration came from the artist he listened to in high school. People he surrounded himself with also had similar interests, which sparked an idea.

Music is something Bollow enjoys doing with his friends when they have free time away from classes and homework. This is his favorite part of creating his music.

“When I’m working with a friend and we find something we really like there’s no better feeling in the world,” Bollow said.

Being home due to COVID-19 left many people longing for their lives back, but Bollow took the opportunity to focus on his music craft.

“Since school has started I haven’t really done a lot, but typically, especially over quarantine, I was doing it almost everyday,” Bollow says. “Not a crazy amount of hours everyday, but try to make it into a routine.”

Bollow said creating music can be difficult, especially on campus.

“I try to plan time, but it’s a lot different making music at school. I’ve got roommates,” Bollow says. “During school it’s usually free time, whenever I can find time to do something, and I’m in the mood too.”

Some people who create music dream of it as a career, while others do it as a hobby. Though currently it’s just a hobby for Bollow, he doesn’t think it has to end there.

“I could see it going either way. I would love to make a career out of it, but that’s not what I’m doing it for necessarily. I’m just doing it because I enjoy it,” Bollow said.

Student Jozua Bennie is an active listener of Bollow’s music. Bennie says he discovered Bollow’s music through Instagram and enjoys that it’s relatable.

“My favorite part is that he finds completely new stuff to sing about. He always finds a way to sing about something we’ve all thought about but never heard songs of, such as ‘You Were Hotter in High School’ and ‘When I See Ya’,” Bennie said.

Mark Elting has worked in audio production for about 30 years and now works at Spot-On Audio Recording. He has gone completely digital in his studio and uses equipment such as good microphones, cables, headphones, his MacBook Pro and a few other products. Mark Elting explains how he doesn’t think recording in a dorm room differs much from being in a studio.

“Billie Eilish and her brother recorded her album in their apartment. More musicians are building their own studios,” Elting says. “It doesn’t have to be elaborate. Just effective.”

Bollow’s music is on many platforms including YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music @BingeThemCringe.

